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Latest News

April 17, 2018

4 Reasons Why Investing in Community Retail is a Wise Move

Are you a small business owner, and looking for a retail space? Forget the larger malls and consider opening shop in a friendly neighborhood shopping center like Souq Extra. Here are 4 reasons why it makes more sense:

  1. Reach out to a Niche Segment: community centers are targeted towards a specific neighborhood of people who revisit often. Customer loyalty is therefore high.
  2. Stand out as a Key Retailer: get more exposure as a specialty store. In larger malls, your offerings are just one of many.
  3. Better than a Stand-Alone: as a part of a community center, your customers will still enjoy many benefits a larger mall provides including parking, community events and a mix of key retail offerings.
  4. More Economical: Larger malls means larger rent fees.



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